When you decide to purchase an insurance policy, you have two options: you can either choose an insurance agent who works for a particular insurance company, or you can go for an independent insurance broker. More than often, people find it more feasible to go for independent insurance brokers as they offer a variety of options and are often able to help clients secure comparatively cheaper premiums. Continue reading
Category Archives: Blog
Understanding homeowner insurance and flooding
Many homeowners believe that their homes are completely protected from all sorts of damages once they have secured a policy. That would be the case in an ideal world; but it is unfortunately not so. Of course, no one bothers reading the hundreds of pages that are included in the policy, but one thing you should be sure about is what is covered and what is not in your policy. Continue reading
Tips to practice for inexpensive motorcycle insurance
Back in 2011, there were about 8.4 millions motorcycles on the US roads, and more than 80,000 motorcycle riders sustained injuries. However, those numbers have grown over the years. With statistics like these, it is clear why you need to have motorcycle insurance. Luckily, motorcycle insurance doesn’t really need to cost you a leg or an arm; you can practice a few things to make sure that you get the cheapest but the most effective motorcycle insurance. Continue reading
Why do you need professional liability insurance?
Professional liability insurance is an important tool to protect your company against the claims you make for the professional services you offer. If you end up making an error, be it intentional or negligence, your company would be at risk of being sued by the client or customer who claims he/she lost money or assets in some way due to your mistake. Any individual or organization offering services which involve making recommendations, giving advice, or providing professional services, can benefit by securing professional liability insurance. Continue reading
Auto accidents – What you should do immediately afterwards!
Car accidents are probably one of the most troublesome situations where there is an immediate rush of a million questions through your head: should I get out of the car? How bad am I hurt? Should I call 911? Is it ok to drive home? Continue reading